Dreams : create, share & play [PS4, PS5]

How is Dreams an indie title? :???: Indie means "produced independently without a publisher*". Dreams is first-party and backed by one of the largest gaming companies in the world.

* You can be an indie with a publisher but you aren't owned or beholden. You can also be a AAA indie, such as CD Projekt.
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Indie games like dreams are often more intresting then most aaa games.

More an AA title with a big publisher helping. I doubt an indie can stay so much time wihtout releasing a game. They did some technical support for other studios and released Terray on PS Vita en PS4 but they begins to do some preproduction on Dreams in 2011, 8 years on a game with a very long preproduction period trying to find a rendering method.
Its been in development for over 6.5 years. Sony revealed it in 2013 Playstation Meeting. and MM said at Gamescom 2012 they were working at it. And Sony bought MM in March 2010.

Indie is not a word to use for a First Party 7 year development title.

I bet they can even afford to hold off release a year and have it be a PS5 only title.
I haven’t tried anything with them yet, but I noticed you can set physics on individual objects to off, light and heavy. I hope to get some time for some tests tomorrow.
I have waiting for a long Time for such genius Tool like Dreams...great to see upcoming creative Things on a gaming Console..
I have waiting for a long Time for such genius Tool like Dreams...great to see upcoming creative Things on a gaming Console..

Yeah, it reminds me of little big planet on the PS3 i played long time ago. Dreams seems much more advanced though. I can/hope to see this on pc too, maybe Sony has planned that with their application they had with notions of RT. The bigger the community the better it is for software like this to create games.

Can people get in trouble for creating something like 'Half Life' and share it?
Because there's very little physics being shown in these tests and as I don't have access to the beta, I ask of people who do the sort of experiments I'd try.
Link? I haven't seen any destruction which was a key feature of LBP.
You have a powerful set of tools, I don't know all of them, just a very few of them. Just with a few tools you can do the destruction of any object but you have to program the animations yourself (and that's incredibly easy).

The tutorials start by telling you how to animate the objects from point A to B with a keyframe triggered by others events. You can also move an object and keep the specific movements you do when you program the animation (a keyframe just memorize the start and end of the animation and you have plenty of options to automate the animation, the speed, acceleration, etc).

But what you can do is much more powerfull than that. You can do complex timelines with several keyframes, with loops inside the timeline, logic, timers and different kind of triggers. The different options you have at your disposal for all those tools (and I haven't seen much tools yet) are impressive.

The triggers can come from multitude of things, for instance: proximity of some type of object in a specific zone (any kind of zone you want). Now any objects can have an internal health, with plenty of settings again. Any level of health can be a trigger for anything you want like animate any objects linked by connectors, or make any other object and or lighting appear and move to create the illusion of explosion.

I have done a simple test with a high vertical building with an internal health that if set to zero triggered an animation (with one keyframe) in order to make it fall completely. Using a character equiped with a rifle (that was already programmed to make damage from the projectiles) that I have just shamelessly imported from the public assets (made by others players) I shot the building and triggered the animation: the fall of the building. I could have made a building made from multiple pieces and triggered an explosion by animating the pieces individually, displaying a nice fire effect + lighting and making the pieces disappear.

You can give any object physical properties. Can it move ? Is it affected by gravity ? What type of others object can interact with it ? and plenty others settings. You can also make the impact with any type of object trigger a damage, or not, again with plenty of options (reset time for the damage, how much damage, etc).
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You can really do lany different artstyle



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