There's a lot of spam posted to the forum these days.

There's still a lot of the spam...
Where? Looks like one got through. They were moderated (posts not showing on board until approved), yet still managed to post also. Once a spammer is found, one press of the Spam button removes them and all their posts, so it's no effort to destroy all their effort.
They are laughing at us....
I'm almost tempted to let the "PC Gaming Gods" deal with it ...
I mean. Now they're not even pretending anymore. They're literally just meaningless groups of letters like the latest "xcvxcv" both in the thread title and message.

At least give us some useful penis enlargement stuff to read???
They're literally just meaningless groups of letters like the latest "xcvxcv" both in the thread title and message.
Well, there's Kendall Jenner helping them spam the boards right now as well. She must be bored out of her mind to be doing this - that, or flat-out broke, take your pick.

...Because nobody would be so deceitful as to go by a fake name on the internet, would they? Not even a spammer would sink so low!
The posts without links in them were making it past the moderation queue. But 2 clicks from a mod and they're all nuked. this the North Korean first wave and are we on the front lines because they're using PS2's to launch their strike?