Overwatch [PC] Blizzard

Played for the first time with a group of 4. We did 20:2, nice! Won basically all the time. My Lucio winrate is now up to 64%, was never this high.

The new Zenyatta works extremely well with S76. My team mate used discord orb and I mowed them down!

Also, a very good Reinhardt is key to victory imo.

Nice update Blizzard!
Hm, I see...right now I have hard times against Dva, as her ult always kills me...it is extreme, how 1s makes all the difference: with 4s, I could always dodge, with 3s I always die.
Yeah. It is much more deadly. There is a sense of panic now. Previosly you could just slowly walk away, but now with Lucio I always switch to speed boost and use amplifier if available. Still died yesterday once by accident. Also died once as Zarya, because I panicked and activated my barrier too soon. Did the same error with a teammate as well. Barriers ran out just before the explosion :(

Must be a lot harder for characters that don't have movement abilities or ways to prevent the damage completely.
Seems that Lucio got a silent buff for his wall ride:

I like it. The wall ride is now less quirky to use. And it's much easier to ride + shoot now :)

Also Symmetra got -30% nerf to sentry turret damage in the last console patch. Similar nerf as Torbjörn turrets got.
Playing competitive: only a notch away from rank 53. Had some fantastic rounds. Also, 2 were so close and we lost it...was actually frustrating!

Well, competitive is quite intense!

PS: it takes forever to get a golden gun it seems. One token per game won...and you need 300 for a golden gun :oops:
Ranked up to 55 today, had a couple of great rounds with three other in a group.

@sebbi: if you want to play in a team, we could really need you :)

Edit: here is a short clip of our last round, where we used a "rush in tactics" with S76:)

And here a Lucio clip demonstrating that the best skill is being lucky :cool:
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Ranked up to 55 today
Switched yesterday back to Zarya + Lucio and instantly won 5 comp matches in a row (+3 skill levels). But I really like D.Va. Had to practice harder to make her work.

Zarya seems to be really strong in the current meta, because her best matchups are much more played, and Pharah (her worst matchup) is literally dead. The new McCree just murders her. No damage falloff -> Pharah drops dead from the sky faster than she can do anything. Also Ana can shoot her down and D.Va's new defense matrix wrecks rocket barrage, and the faster bomb explode makes it impossible for Pharah to get away, if she is flying high in a middle of a room.

But the new buffer D.Va is considerably better against Zarya as well. My graviton surge has been shot down from air twice already (by a quick d.matrix activation). It just disappears. Also if D.Va doesn't hit it from the air, she can still activate the matrix (inside the surge) and prevent most of the damage to her team. 3s -> 4s matrix time + new recharge logic means that matrix is available much more often. I can't wait anymore until D.Va uses the matrix and then do my gravity surge safely. Her bomb is also much more lethal. Previously I could safely look down at my barrier cooldown timers and then decide what to do. Barrier doesn't even need to be ready, since 4 seconds is quite a big chunk of 10 second cooldown. Now it is much harder to do the right things consistently, as you must start running immediately to safety (Zarya is so slow). Good D.Va players can also wait until Zarya uses her projector and then self destruct to ensure that the barrier is not available. Also in 1 vs 1 matches, D.Va now can much more consistently boost in front of you + use matrix while boosting. And then start shooting. And then again after 5 seconds boost + matrix again to get close to you. This slightly reduces Zarya damage, as you would want to be shooting D.Va with your grenades, as her armor eats 50% of the beam damage. Beam goes of course through her matrix, but it kills grenades in the air, reducing your damage a bit to her (but her damage to you is identical to pre-buff). Zarya vs D.Va requires now much more skill from the Zarya player.
Currently, I try MCcree again. He is so satisfying to play.

Also, I really like Ana. She is a real skill character. Nothing more satisfying than shutting down tanks during the game by repeatedly putting them to sleep :D
Ana just got a major buff (increased fire rate and larger magazine). McCree long range damage got a slight nerf and close range got a slight buff (as expected).

I finally proved myself that every player in the team matters. We lose every single game I play with D.Va (even got 4 gold medals once, but we still lost). Or maybe we are losing because there is no Lucio in the team (unless I play him). But it seems that people are eagerly picking Lucio in levels where he can push people down to pits. And these secondary Lucios healing percentage tends to be only around 10-20%. So we lose anyways :(

Disconnects seem to be a huge problem right now. Around one game if four a player disconnects. This ruins the game for the remaining 11 people. 20 minutes wasted for everyone + a loss to his team. I have never seen a 5 player team win against 6 (neigther us or our enemies).

Personally I would prefer that the 5 player team would get some compensation to ensure a fair fight. For example a +50 HP boost for everyone in that team would at least make things a bit more fair. Blizzard should at least do something to improve the situation. Currently disconnets are ruining the game. The starting disconnect time (where the match just ends, no winner/loser) should be extended. I would prefer that the match ends (with no score) if someone quits before the first objective of the first round has been captured (or 3 minutes has been spend witchever happens first). There is no point playing for 20 minutes as everybody knows the result during the early first round.

Players disconnecting (from comp matches) should get 2 losses (double lose in rank). The game should have a dialog that clearly tells this to the player. This would reduce quitting.

The ending screen currently shows a card for each character, not a card per player. If you swap your hero (for example choose defense hero only for defense, or change to a healer when someone switches away) you collect points for two separate cards. This splits your points. The result is that your card is never shown in the end screen, if you switched the character. This is very bad for the health of the game. People don't swap their characters because then they can't get a card. And the whole team suffers. Blizzard should fix this. The card should include your total performance, not just a single character.
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Yeah, lost many games today...down to rank 52 again:(

Even with 4 in the team, the others matter so much!

I love playing Hanzo myself, but I never saw a competitive one so far...or a Mccree. People are just playing for their big ults and potg.

Still fun! Time to play more with Ana!
3 disconnects (from our team) in a row today. Obvioisly lost all of them. Only one legit game without disconnects. It's getting worse every day. Blizzard needs to give the suffering team some compensation as this is a major problem right now. People will stop playing the game if this is not addressed soon.

They should punish the leaver more, and make it very clear that quitting is never a good idea. Double score loss + a 30 minute ban after a quit would mean that you never gain win rating or play time by quitting.

Also getting back to match (reconnect) quickly (in 5 minutes or so) should remove your penalty, to encourage players to get back. Legit disconnects happen. Same for AFK disconnect. Make the time longer. Losing a player for a few minutes is much less of a problem that losing him/her completely.
I agree! We also had people disconnecting. But I am curious if this happens on purpose or due to tec problems!

Byw Sebbi, which sens do you use for vertical/horizontal.

I use now Kontroll Freeks (stick extensions) which actually really help to improve aim.
Byw Sebbi, which sens do you use for vertical/horizontal.

I use now Kontroll Freeks (stick extensions) which actually really help to improve aim.
My sensitivity on Ps4 is currently at 50/37. Had to turn down sensivity a bit to improve my aim with D.Va human form. When I just played Zarya I preferred 55/40. It's too bad that you have to choose whether you want to hit anything at long distance or whether you prefer to be able to turn quickly in close combat (or when someone drops behind you) and also be able to circle strafe around players. You can't unfortunately have both. Also "rocket jump" with Zarya needs super high vertical sensitivity on consoles. If you want to be able to quickly rocket jump, you need a big sacrifice in aim :(

Have to try Kontroll Freeks stick extensions. I was actually thinking about (software and hardware) solutions to this problem. The main reason why I bought Overwatch on PS4 was to learn FPS controls on consoles. I played the beta on both PC and PS4 (and have a new Skylake i7 + high end Razer gaming mouse). For a cross platform game developer, it is crucial to know the controls mechanics of the most played game genre on consoles. I would prefer different controller sensitivity curves, and/or settings to adjust center/middle/outer sensitivity separately. I would prefer that only the most outer edge results in quick rotation (and it should be very fast), other areas of the stick should rotate slower to allow precise aim. Of course longer sticks (such as Kontroll Freeks extensions or joysticks) would also help, but as a developer the main focus should always be to maximize the playability with the built in controller (on consoles).
My sensitivity on Ps4 is currently at 50/37. Had to turn down sensivity a bit to improve my aim with D.Va human form. When I just played Zarya I preferred 55/40. It's too bad that you have to choose whether you want to hit anything at long distance or whether you prefer to be able to turn quickly in close combat (or when someone drops behind you) and also be able to circle strafe around players. You can't unfortunately have both. Also "rocket jump" with Zarya needs super high vertical sensitivity on consoles. If you want to be able to quickly rocket jump, you need a big sacrifice in aim :(
This is probably the main reason I stopped playing games on console. Once I started playing some FPSes on PC I found it incredibly frustrating going back to a gamepad. Also going from 60fps to 30 (back then most console games were 30Hz with no proper motion blur, dunno if that's still true) was quite a shock. I'd put in thousands of hours in the Halo games up to that point and never had a problem, but after playing TF2 on PC for a month and then firing up Halo 3 I thought my xbox was malfunctioning. After a couple hours it wasn't so bad but constantly switching back and forth from 60 to 30 gives me brain damage. So I sold my 360 and never looked back :)
This is probably the main reason I stopped playing games on console. Once I started playing some FPSes on PC I found it incredibly frustrating going back to a gamepad. Also going from 60fps to 30 (back then most console games were 30Hz with no proper motion blur, dunno if that's still true) was quite a shock. I'd put in thousands of hours in the Halo games up to that point and never had a problem, but after playing TF2 on PC for a month and then firing up Halo 3 I thought my xbox was malfunctioning. After a couple hours it wasn't so bad but constantly switching back and forth from 60 to 30 gives me brain damage. So I sold my 360 and never looked back :)
30 fps is absolutely terrible. Makes my head hurt. Such a big gameplay trade-off to gain some extra visual fidelity. Our console games have always been 60 fps (locked). IIRC Digital Foundry's Trials Evolution (x360) fps analysis result included less than 10 dropped frames in total in 15 minutes of gameplay. That's how important stable frame rate is for me.

Overwatch is fortunately stable 60 fps on PS4. And it maintains 1080p (dynamic resolution) pretty much all the time. I have never played and would never play 30 fps shooters. I play only 60 fps games on consoles (racing, fighting, indie, etc). 30 fps makes only sense in some slow paced 3rd person games such as Assassins Creed, Uncharted and The last of us. But personally I would always trade off visuals for stable 60 fps output. Compromising gameplay for visuals is a bad choice.
Again 4 disconnets (from our team) in a row. Only one real game tonight. 2 competetive ranking levels lost. It's impossible to rise up in rank, because you get so many random losses from the frequent disconnects. This game is getting too frustrating for me.

Hopefully Blizzard does something for this problem, as no balance patches to characters are going to make this enjoyable anymore.

It would be great to play in a team that regularly plays together, as none of these problems (disconnects, bad team composition) would matter. Unfortunately my life situation currently (baby in house) only allows random play time here and there. It's a very good game when everyone in both teams are giving their best, but playing with random teams against random opponents is really ruining it for me.
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Wanted to play, but psn has again issues...great Sony. Why don't you just give up and let the big boys handle these internet things?