Final Fantasy XV [XO, PS4, PC]

I thought this was concept art :oops:


You can quite quickly mock up a proto that won't run nearly as well as the final product in any game development or general software development, even if you're using a "kit" like an engine is.

also, a protip: engines usually get at least some customization done in the process of making a game, and even in cases where that does not happen, using it doesn't mean you're using it well at first.

For example, the developer Zeboyd Games is working on their latest game, Cosmic Star Heroine. It's getting a PS Vita port, and I've been following the twitter of the main programmer since around the time the port's development began. The initial performance was awful, and load times were abysmal. They've done little to no engine modification(Using Unity) and yet they've managed to increase frame rate by a factor of 2-3X and cut load times down massively since they got it actually functioning on the Vita.

How did this occur? They weren't using the engine right at first. They had blunt forced it on the PC and PS4 ports due to the much, much higher amounts of RAM/CPU(It's a 2D sprite RPG, so GPU isn't really a concern), and when the PS Vita came a-callin', they wound up learning a lot about what the engine needs for really fast speeds and what the PS Vita can take/needs as well.

So, FF7 REDO(I hope someone gets this) performing at 15 frames is entirely expected for a game that's only been in development for seven fuckin' months. Maybe 9 if we're lucky.
KH3 was also shown very early in development using UE4 and didn't run like shit. You can expect a downgrade.

Did they really confirm that the FF7 real time demo was 15fps?
You can look at the footage yourself.
Hmm. I can't find info on how complete KH3 was when the post-UE4 switch footage was shown. Got any info on that?
With regards to both FF7 REDO and FF15: a lot of optimization happens near the end of game development anyway. Speed can in some cases double.
And by the time FFXV is done Luminous Engine should be mature enough to be used in other games. They really strugled with it during development. Not only that but they nearly had to rethink the concept of FFXV when it was still versus XIII.
I really like the " darker " look of FFXV. I wonder if Sony and or Microsoft have secured it on consoles market only or if it will maybe at some point see the day on NX or PC eventually like FFXIII did.
Even with the result seen on screen, I kinda feel we' ve come across some limits in terms of graphic gap and quality for this third year of games on current gen. But optimisation will help them release titles faster, with knowledge.
The game had lots of budget going on it , in the engine as well. I wish it to do well really. Versus XIII was one of my main anticipated PS3 project at the time lol. FFXVersus is still one of my most anticipated title and first RPG i ll get for this gen.
Plus, well, games have shipped using UE4. That's certainly more than Luminous can say.

Edit: For the record, I'm not claiming that what you're saying won't happen, Scofield. I'm saying it's far too early to declare it as a certainty.
Plus, well, games have shipped using UE4. That's certainly more than Luminous can say.
None of them open world games at the level of FFXV.

Edit: For the record, I'm not claiming that what you're saying won't happen, Scofield. I'm saying it's far too early to declare it as a certainty.
I'm simply refuting ultragpu's assessment that UE4 would have been a better fit than Luminous for this game.
UE4 looks to struggle with open world games and dynamic lighting if Ark Survival Evolved is anything to go by. Sub-720p with dips to the teens on the Xbone version, even GTX980s can't maintain 30fps on max settings at 1080p. Weird thing is technically it looks worse than XV.

maybe can be alievated by moe aggressive LOD and draw distance?

KH also usually have lots of occlussion in their level design. by wall or buildings...or huge object

pristine original quality at 125MB :)
no re encodes, direct from square

and if you directy click the MP4 icon, you can stream it from web browser directly

maybe will be easier to scrutenize?

btw SQEX North America is one of the best, "free/open", easy to use, fastest press page. it only rivaled by Xbox press.

but i wonder why none of them have "twitter notification" to follow certain games press kit :(

with so many of FF XV videos, from Versus era on PS3 to PS4...

i cant wait to make "the evolution of FF XV" video when it finally got released :D

btw the videos have jap voice and eng sub. does the final game also allows that?

the eng sub is a localization though... so using it with jap voice will have miss-match sentence.
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Ark Survival is not representative of what UE4 can do.
If you want to see what UE can do in a open/city-size environment look at Arkham Knight...which is not even UE4.
In truth there aren't many games out that can give us a hint of what an AAA UE4 game can look not to mention a open world AAA UE4.

Anyway, FFVII isn't aiming to be open world; the world/game will be split in areas episodes/chunks (perfectly fine by me) so I think they will deliver visuals/performances closer to Batman games.
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