Destiny [PS3,X360,PS4,XO]

Is it best to always have the highest level person on the teleport team be the relic holder? If so, why? Wouldn't you want the 30s shooting Atheon?
In hard mode, it's harder for level 29s and below to hold the relic because they're at a level disadvantage and take more damage from enemies. It's doable if the other two people that get teleported help the relic holder take down the enemies with grenades and using their RLs (which they should be doing anyway), but it's still more risky. It's more important to keep everyone alive in the hard raid than to maximize damage on Atheon. Even level 29s can do significant damage to Atheon if you have a good sniper rifle or RL. This is assuming you're using the center pillar strategy where the relic holder just puts up the bubble. If you all scatter coming out of the portals, then the relic holder can use its super attack which does huge damage. But personally, I find the center pillar strategy the best. Don't have to worry about supplicants or taking damage (other than the splash damage on the left side), and the other 5 people can just focus on getting crits on Atheon.

edit: On another note, seems like Bungie patched the Winter's Run cheese spot in the recent (large) patch they've just released, probably the one under the platform. :( That's gonna make that strike 10x harder now.

edit2: From what I'm reading, they patched the cliff cheese spot (the spot where you first enter the battle area) not the platform one.
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Yeah I was surprised, but I'm happy because I used the platform cheese :).

They seemed to have stealth nerfed Pocket Infinity, but it only happened to me occasionally, so maybe it's a bug? In auto mode, sometimes my charge rate would go from 3 quick bursts to 3 slow bursts. Anyone else experience this? At least the 3 slow bursts still counted towards the 2 kills with fusion rifle bounty.
Yeah I was surprised, but I'm happy because I used the platform cheese :).

They seemed to have stealth nerfed Pocket Infinity, but it only happened to me occasionally, so maybe it's a bug? In auto mode, sometimes my charge rate would go from 3 quick bursts to 3 slow bursts. Anyone else experience this? At least the 3 slow bursts still counted towards the 2 kills with fusion rifle bounty.
I noticed my Pocket Infinity firing very slowly on a Mars patrol mission, but it was fine on Earth and Venus. I just assumed it was a server latency issue. It's been fine every since.
pocket infinity slow-bug can be fixed by re-equipt it
the patched cheese spot is under bridge, not the hill.
exotic weapon have different perk value/effect is wrong, bungie will fix

- source: reddit stuff
Yeah, they put up an invisible wall under the platform. I still dunno exactly where the cliff cheese spot is, but I found another spot that's even better than under the platform (I doubt I discovered a new spot... it's probably the cliff spot everyone else is talking about.). But when you first enter the boss area, if you stay up top, look high and to your left, there's a ledge that overlooks the whole battleground. If you jump up there, stay as far back as you can without falling down and squat. You can just sit there and shoot away at the arkon priest without him being able to hit you. Even the one sniper that can see you is too far away to shoot at you. And even if he does, that's the only guy you have to worry about. I did it twice and I didn't even have to move once.

Also ran the raid again and got Corrective Measure. I think I only need Praedyth's Timepiece, Hezen Vengeance and Atheon's Epilogue to collect all of the VoG weapons (or is Fatebringer another VoG weapon?) And still no armor (grrr!)

Normal VoG is cake for me now. I only died once and it was because a stupid supplicant blew up as I turned a corner as I was heading to the plate on the other side.
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Damn, I wish I could say the raid was a cake walk. I think I need better weapons, and teammates that aren't douche nozzles.

I equipped my raid armor on my Warlock, and now I'm back down to lvl 27. I need shards. Level 27 isn't a good spot for the end game.
equip your 28 armor for the raid, you'll get shards there. work on leveling up the raid piece outside the raid.

reddit is all aflame that soloing has supposedly been made harder. Which they all seem to be jumping to conclusions there. But I'll see when I try the nightfall tonight.

Also call my crazy but it kinda seemed to me like there was more helium on my moon farming run, which I hope means they increased resources. they didn't mention this though, if they actually changed it.
Also ran the raid again and got Corrective Measure. I think I only need Praedyth's Timepiece, Hezen Vengeance and Atheon's Epilogue to collect all of the VoG weapons (or is Fatebringer another VoG weapon?) And still no armor (grrr!)

Fatebringer is a raid weapon. The raid handcannon - and my favorite handcannon in the game for PVE right now (compared against Hawkmoon, The Devil You Know, The Last Word, and Thorn which are the other handcannons I have). The fast reload perk on critical kills makes it really useful when clearing enemies. Probably not as exciting against oracles, but for defending confluxes and such it is a beast.
Fatebringer also has arc damage, one reason I want it! On the flipside though, I kind of dislike the actual pace of play with hand cannons. My Vision of Confluence is much more fun. I also have heard Fatebringer is a hard raid only drop though not 100% sure on that.

Speaking of hand cannons my Red Hand IX legendary, which I have heard very little about, definitely seems quite competent now that I've used it a bit. Seems to be a excellent gun. I think when I googled it one of the user reviews said it's basically hawkmoon with a few tweaks or maybe slight downgrades, which I think Hawkmoon is excellent (I know it's Datto's primary).

Same thing with Light/Beware my longtime fusion. Dont hear it talked about much, but that thing seems quite excellent.

Another arc strike this weak, bah. The one element I still really lack on, though much better than a couple weeks ago. Glad I picked up Patience and Time back when I was mulling it over...I'll just have P&T, Light/Beware, and that blue machine gun I used in the Achon Priest strike last week. Heh, it'll come in handy again sadly...I even did a few of it's upgrades.
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I have 77Wizard, Light/beware, Final Rest II and PI for fusion rifles, and I really like my Light/beware. It does void damage and it has a very fast charge time. Most times when you load a level, it gives you a bunch of extra ammo too. The impact and range aren't quite as good as 77Wizard or Final Rest II, but I love the fast charge time and ammo perk.

I did the nightfall with 3 people and with 2 people. Also tried doing it solo before getting called to do a raid. It seems like the difficulty level has leveled out with player count. It seemed equally difficult each time (and harder than before I might add). Seems like I take more damage, or captain's bullets track much more aggressively. When I would retreat back to safety, their bullets would follow me everywhere. I found my arc rocket launcher and P&T were a good combo for this nightfall.
Didn't even know there was arc rocket launchers...

I have all the cheese spots in my head for this strike from last time that should work. But I understand arc makes this strike more difficult. Last time things did get a little hairy on sepiks once or twice...

I'm guessing it's going to be pretty hard, I plan to try to not spend so much time on nightfalls this week, they can be a time sink for little reward. The raid is a better activity especially for my goals (get all 3 hunters to 30). I just always have this compulsion like I should do the nightfall first so I get the experience gains all week, but +25% is not that big a deal really. Or I should just use destinylfg and group it if I start struggling solo, instead of continuing to waste time...

Ice Breaker (to regen P&T's ammo) and P&T should be a good combo this week.
I have two arc RLs: Admonisher III (holds 3/clip and 4 in reserve) and Unfriendly Giant.

One of the guys I did the NF with got gjallarhorn and all I got was an exotic armor piece that I don't care for, and a duplicate helmet. At least give me duplicate weapons so I can dismantle for energy rather than shards.

Wait, what? Ice breaker regenerates ammo for other weapons? I didn't know that. Nice!
Yeah, they put up an invisible wall under the platform. I still dunno exactly where the cliff cheese spot is, but I found another spot that's even better than under the platform (I doubt I discovered a new spot... it's probably the cliff spot everyone else is talking about.). But when you first enter the boss area, if you stay up top, look high and to your left, there's a ledge that overlooks the whole battleground. If you jump up there, stay as far back as you can without falling down and squat. You can just sit there and shoot away at the arkon priest without him being able to hit you. Even the one sniper that can see you is too far away to shoot at you. And even if he does, that's the only guy you have to worry about. I did it twice and I didn't even have to move once.

Also ran the raid again and got Corrective Measure. I think I only need Praedyth's Timepiece, Hezen Vengeance and Atheon's Epilogue to collect all of the VoG weapons (or is Fatebringer another VoG weapon?) And still no armor (grrr!)

Normal VoG is cake for me now. I only died once and it was because a stupid supplicant blew up as I turned a corner as I was heading to the plate on the other side.

Raid weapon list

Vex Mythoclast (solar primary FR), Atheon's Epilogue (void AR), Vision of Confluence (solar SR), Praedyth's Timepiece (arc PR, only on Hard mode), and Fatebringer (arc HC, only on hard)

Praedyth's Revenge (void sniper), Found Verdict (arc shotgun), Praetorian Foil (solar FR)

Corrective Measure (void Machine Gun), Hezen Vengeance (solar Rocket Launcher).

All raid weapons are worth it. Every single one stands as one of the best Legendary weapons in their respective classes (Vex mythoclast currently isn't worth it but thats due to change from the upcoming buff).

Apparently the "correct" loot table. Matches well with what I've seen so far with 10+ hard raid clears.
Ok, so I'm missing quite a few weapons then. I forgot about Vex Mythoclast and Praetorian Foil.

I still find it weird that I've got 4 of the raid weapons (not to mention 3xVoCs and 2xFound Verdicts), plus an exotic weapon from the raid, but I've yet to be rewarded with any armor.
IB wont be a panacea, but it will be over twice as fast as ammo synth. P&T with field scout holds 25 rounds, and every 5 minutes (assuming you're trapped sniping boss) you can use a synth. IB takes 1 min to hit 6 rounds, at which time you'll have 12 on P&T, so 24 rounds every two minutes vs 25 every 5.

After more use, I decided my Praedyths Revenge (void sniper) was not as trash as I thought. Unupgraded, it only hits for MAYBE 50% as much as P&T or IB (which are fairly similar impact with a slight edge to IB). I was pretty disgusted with it at first,. on praetorian type stuff with void shields, I was finding it took 2 shots just to remove the shield even with void elemental, and probably 6 to down the enemy. With a 4 clip, you'll have to reload before then and likely lose sight of your target anyway.

However on using it a little more, it's a pretty smooth shooter, much like P&T it shoots fast and with good stability, and imo it's a plus you dont get the somewhat annoying "underwater" effect P&T does for invisibility. It has a field scout perk so that'll help the ammo deficiency eventually. The damage still isn't going to compare, but for a "regular" sniper I think it's quite competent, and definitely will be nice in void burn scenarios (dont know a scenario I'd ever use it in raid though, MAYBE some far off sync plate praetorian if it was fully upgraded).
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I've seen people use Praedyth's Revenge in the Nexus nightfall with void burn a while ago, and they were taking out minotaurs quickly. It was higher on my upgrade list, so I've upgraded mine to 300.
I always wear prestige revenge on vog. It's awesome for killing practitioners.

It also works fine to shot without aiming as long as I put a green tape on the center of my TV screen.
May have to try it, but I dont see it *shrug*.

I feel like using light beware in the special slot on plate defense, as I've begun doing recently, will be a major upgrade for my praetorian fighting abilities, though. i use to just leave IB in there throughout the raid. The problem was I'd have limited options for that praetorian that just has to be dispatched quickly. Primary usually would have little effect, so it came down to switching to machine gun, grenades/knives (which were more slow down than stop, attacks), or Super move, if it was available, which often it's not. Now with L/B in that slot, I have just another option to bring heavy damage to bear quickly. I'm really impressed with LB it really hits hard. i cant imagine how nice a fusion that hit as hard as LB but also had void, would be against Praetorians...