Choice of aspect ratio for games *spawn

That's about 7:5, which is wider than 4:3.

And at 110 and 250 degrees, the visible area is beyond the limits of the given circle, again suggesting that something wider than even 7:5 is preferable.

4:3 is 1.33. 7:5 is 1.4. What a difference.

16:9 is 1.77 and of course there's cinema's 2.35:1 which I think I don't need to convert.

IMAX completely encompasses the visual field and it is 4:3.
Aspect ratio is movies is done for different reasons than exist in games. "Artistic vision" is perhaps the only reason that applies to both. And, in the only three instances I can think of, of 2.35 games, it's a lie.. it was done for performance reasons to cut down the number of pixels rendered.

Gaming isn't about watching a movie, even with something like Beyond. They should always fill whatever screen they're being played on, period, the end. For me, that's 16:9, but it's not the same for everyone.. some folks are still rocking 4:3, while others have moved on to 21:9. It should allow for all of them.

Human FOV is pointless unless you're playing on a display that takes up your entire field of vision. Which none of us are, so stop it.
The Rift doesn't take up your entire field of vision. And yes, that's from personal experience. It's also about six or seven million pixels shy of being where it needs to be. A discussion for another place, methinks.