Downsampling , the last hope of mankind.

Making no fuzz about it? There is a checkbox in Catalyst since forever, which allows me to drive any resolution on my scaler-free monitor.
That's IMO a Windows problem. If you have a scaler-free monitor, why should Windows show smaller than max resolution (which don't work) but not larger than max (which don't work)? I couldn't find a senseful answer to that.
You basically need to fool Windows to pass the large resolution to the games. This is one way:
If PowerStrip is like back then, it could work as well.
I've hacked monitor files for Windows since I use Windows, having had quite a capable CRT for a long time and quite an incapable OS, so I might have a somewhat subjective opinion about MS and monitors on that matter.
The new GTX 970/980 cards feature Dynamic Super Resolution (DSR)!

...I can't quite see how it differs from good old-fashioned downsampling, though. >.<