Super Mario 3D World

Rayman is a fantastic looking game, but I also think Mario Galaxy and this new one are more inspired than 99.9% of games that are out there. Just shows how tastes differ.

I totally agree. Just makes me disappionted all the more with Nintendo seemingly being the only viable platform for that kind of thing, and Mario the only available skin. I just watched the Quicklook of this, and I still think it looks meh, even though the gameplay is at times very clever (though I was more impressed with Galaxy). And it still lags seriously behind in terms of HD-ness (Rayman is 1080p native, and that just looks so much better just from that alone).

Ah well. I asked my son if he liked Mario, and he said yes, but he seemed to like Rayman equally well. So we're good for now, with Tearaway also seemingly a hit (though at times too difficult also).

For my son, having all the text spoken still matters a lot. Tearaway does a lot, but not everything yet, and he can't read yet. Two more years though, and then who knows I'll still let him have a go at all the 3DS.
I often wonder if people confuse visual style with gameplay - Nintendo's naming does this distinction no favours.

For me at least, the 3D games (Super Mario 3D World & galaxy) are completely different gameplay to the 2D games (Super Mario World, Yoshi's island, etc). They are incredibly well crafted pieces of software which build and build on mechanics at a near perfect pace so the end of the game is usually very different to the beginning.

Unfortunately, people just see another Mario game so assume there's nothing new in them. I can't see that changing but it is a pity.
That! That is why I enjoy Nintendo games!

How many sequels have we played where the game doesn't really expand and re-tune previous gameplay mechanics (good and bad)? They just on expand on a handful of things here and there while eliminating/excessively-streamlining others in the process.

A Super Mario game does something wrong or flawed in a previous game, they fix it and turn it into a strength that makes it a much better games. It's one of the few AAA companies that haven't gone bonkers with their games' content and quality.

Although I'm focused on my PS3, I will buy a Wii U at some point. PS3 -> Wii U -> PS4 for me in that order, I think it's utterly ridiculous to exclude the console because of its graphical horsepower (or lack thereof).

Edit: I like a little console rivalry, and so does the person who posted this... :)

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I impulse bought a WiiU a couple of days ago “for the kids” and it should be delivered tomorrow. I’ve kinda had enough of generic shooter #34 and thought I’d go back to the kind of games I used to enjoy as a teenager when I had my SNES and Megadrive. I read the Eurogamer review of this game and they make it sound great, the videos also look like a lot of fun.

I can imagine my boys in hysterics playing this game so I look forward togiving them my "their" WiiU.

So yeah, WiiU is my second console this generation (after the PS4), I haven’t actually owned a Nintendo since the N64 – so should be fun catching up on a few games I’ve missed.
The ratio Xbox One to Wii U playtime in my household is currently about 1:5.

Super Mario 3D World is just terrific fun for all ages and the art makes up for the technical limitations of the system. Mario Kart 8 and Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze are great too. Who needs new concepts when the old ones are this well refined..
The ratio Xbox One to Wii U playtime in my household is currently about 1:5.

Super Mario 3D World is just terrific fun for all ages and the art makes up for the technical limitations of the system. Mario Kart 8 and Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze are great too. Who needs new concepts when the old ones are this well refined..
That would never happen in my house. :p :smile2: Well, maybe if only a F-Zero game was available for the WiiU...
I am looking at a WiiU myself as well. I think I may buy a refurbished one from Nintendo, only costs $200 from Sometimes it's not available though.
The ratio Xbox One to Wii U playtime in my household is currently about 1:5.

Super Mario 3D World is just terrific fun for all ages and the art makes up for the technical limitations of the system. Mario Kart 8 and Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze are great too. Who needs new concepts when the old ones are this well refined..
I've badgered my young cousins to get themselves a WiiU. Partly for selfish reasons, as I don't have one yet ;)

But also for them, it would be a great system for them to play multiplayer together.

I'm thinking it's more likely they end up with PS4s though... I trained them quite well :p

So I may have to just pick up a WiiU to hold at my place.
This game is just amazing. I'd forgotten how FUN Nintendo games are!

I'd totally recommend a WiiU for anyone with kids, or just as a second console. The games are just different to the other two, they really bring the fun. I need to pick up Mario Kart now...