LEGO Marvel Super Heroes

Very true, you have to keep the mouse handy for some games like Skyrim and Battlefield 3. I'm tempted to look into a mouse emulator for the control pad. Should be built into Windows as standard really but it's a good idea so I wouldn't expect Microsoft to implement it.

I have a tiny keyboard with touch for the mouse keyboard needs, works fine. I just need to upgrade the laptop that is my current htpc, having a hard time finding a small low non full size enclosure that takes full size graphics cards.

But it runs Lego games so far, with steam in offline mode :)
Have you played the demo? What are your thoughts?

I played it with my son who already played through it several times on the pc and xbox.

I liked it, but according to the reviews it's around 8 hours like the others but replay factor is high. I just wish they would add more content to the first playthrough.
I played it with my son who already played through it several times on the pc and xbox.

I liked it, but according to the reviews it's around 8 hours like the others but replay factor is high. I just wish they would add more content to the first playthrough.

The short play time isn't so much of an issue for me. I'll be playing 2 player with my wife, maybe 45 minutes to an hour per session and I think we'd both lose interest after 10 sessions or so anyway so it's just about right. I still need to convince her to finish New Mario Bros 2 with me!

What did you think of the graphics? I was seriously impressed with the PC demo. Haven't played the 360 version though. I'm assuming the PC version reflects the PS4/XBO version?
Bought this on PS4 and I'm very happy with the presentation, everything is beautifully crisp. Great game too, like Lego Star Wars, I'll probably spend an eternity unlocking stuff :)
Bought this on PS4 and I'm very happy with the presentation, everything is beautifully crisp. Great game too, like Lego Star Wars, I'll probably spend an eternity unlocking stuff :)

Do you have any idea of they added something to the ps4/console versions, there was a hint somewhere that they would..

I was tempted by it on psn as I had nothing for the kid, but whoa it's expensive compared to the pc version..
No idea how the PS4 version compares feature-wise to the other versions.
Do you have any idea of they added something to the ps4/console versions, there was a hint somewhere that they would..

I was tempted by it on psn as I had nothing for the kid, but whoa it's expensive compared to the pc version..

I don't know specifics but the PC version looks stunning, weel in excess of what I'd expect from a current gen game so I'm assuming it's on par with the next gen release. There's also this statement from the developers describing the PS4/XBO version as "an incredibly high end PC version" which I'd translate to mean "the PC version at max settings (which incidentally doesn't require that high end of a PC):

And yeah, the price difference here in the UK is £32 :oops:. You could almost buy 3 copies of the PC version for the same price as one PS4/XBO version.
The number of objects on screen is certainly impressive!
Playing this with my son, and particularly the animations stand out.
Playing this with my son, and particularly the animations stand out.

Yup. And the sheer number of player initiated, as well as idle, animations across the characters is really impressive.
Especially since there are like 168 characters! Crazy. I had one issue where Mr Fantastic lost the capacity to move though. But that was the only issue so far, in any game I played.
I like the game so far. Not liking Jean Grey though. Her double jumps causes her to float and I can't figure out for the life of me how to get her to stop floating (without switching characters).
Bought this on PS4 and I'm very happy with the presentation, everything is beautifully crisp. Great game too, like Lego Star Wars, I'll probably spend an eternity unlocking stuff :)

Could you share several 1080p screenshots of this game?

I am curious to know its AA method.
I can try as well, though right now only the facebook stuff of course, or I would have to make a photo of my TV. Will see if I can squeeze that in tonight.
The more I play this - Empire State Building level now - the more I am impressed by the environments, lighting and shadows.
I thoroughly enjoyed this game.

It's quite fun to jump from the avenger ship and fly back to the city
I completed it 100%. Just a few toons are missing imho, like Thanos.

I've bought Lego LOTR after this one, and the feeling isn't the same. I don't know if I'll finish this one.