Tom Clancy's The Division [PS4, XO]

Doesn't look too much different than KZ Shadow fall honestly, I'd say with enough time to learn the hardware 1080p/30 should be right around the ballpark for PS4 at least. 900p or less on Xbone I'm calling it.

KZ has a much more "artistic" look than "photo realistic" look like in the Division.
Same can be said IMO for inFamous Second Son.
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KZ has a much more "artistic" look than "photo realistic" look like in the Division.
Same can be said IMO for inFamous Second Son.

But in terms of scene complexity and eye candy it isn't much more than KZSF is doing. It's just a difference in art direction.
KZ has a much more "artistic" look than "photo realistic" look like in the Division.

I don't think their choice in art-direction had much to do with how demanding (or not) it is on the underlying hardware...
Division may be delayed. Ubi announced that Reflecions team will join up with Massive to work on the game, and today Ubi announced in the financial call that 5 big games will be released between April2014 and march2015. Three of those games are WD, The Crew and Just Dance. That leaves only two game. We can asume that one will be Assassins Creed [AC4 sold 10mil copies btw] and the other one will be FC4.

That leaves Division out of next FY, to be released after March 2015. :-/
I don't think there is any doubt at all given the statement made by the developers in the VideoGamer article.

"The fact that Ubisoft has gone public with a 2014 release date feels laughable to be perfectly honest," they said, "we will never be able to release The Division this year. It's a large project, and we have very far to go."

Ubisoft have a habit at announcing things way early. Watch Dogs will arrive about two years after it's reveal. That's crazy.
I don't think there is any doubt at all given the statement made by the developers in the VideoGamer article.

Ubisoft have a habit at announcing things way early. Watch Dogs will arrive about two years after it's reveal. That's crazy.

Specially if you consider that an "A" game takes 2 years to develop....

So what the heck are they doing there ? What's the sense of spending resources on making a kind of (concept) demo and then start the actual development for all the different platforms ?

Oh wait... shareholder reality distortion field....
So what the heck are they doing there ? What's the sense of spending resources on making a kind of (concept) demo and then start the actual development for all the different platforms ?

It was probably exactly that, a proof of concept for the technology. Massive are, or were, a relatively small team by Ubisoft standards so imagine them trying to sell the concept of The Division to Ubisoft HQ: a massive interconnected online world accessible for console, PC and mobile platforms, a valued IP and oh by the way, we need to write our our engine and tools too.

Sure guys, let's just see a proof of concept of the tech first. I reckon the concept tech blew their socks off and that's why we saw it so early.
So is the thinking we won't see this until spring 2015? Watch Dogs won't be out until May and if they pull it off well that should carry Ubi including DLC until late this year.
They need to make a strong narrative based single player game with this engine, not an always online MMO. Still as good as the engine looks, I expect an actual game to be vastly downgraded.
Oh yeah, best foliage and fire I've EVER, EVER seen in a realtime engine by quite a margin.
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It's nice that it just doesn't even have that "a nuclear bomb of super strength shine car wax was detonated over the city" ala a certain other open world game making the rounds. Looks good in the art and design. As in the art designers have some actual taste.

I wonder how "open world" all these games are though. (Watch Dogs, Infamous, Division). I'm guessing they may sacrifice a bit to get those visuals (ok not in Watch Dogs latest case)
It's nice that it just doesn't even have that "a nuclear bomb of super strength shine car wax was detonated over the city" ala a certain other open world game making the rounds. Looks good in the art and design. As in the art designers have some actual taste.

The other unspecified open world game is going for shiny, over the top look. How can you even compare the art direction of that game to the Division??
Yeah, most of the visual advances are about the move to physically correct shading and lighting, combined with proper art direction.

To be honest, BF3 was the first to get it right, but the artistic aspects weren't pushed to the limit. Technically, all these games are just catching up to them several years later.