Battlefield 4 official discussion/thread. [PS4,XO,PS3,X360]

"Gamers are going to experience much more authentic, believable and realistic looking games."

Believable solution are a rarity.
HUD in BF is not believable for instance, neither is the fact that you teleport inside vehicles like shown in the "Fishing in Baku" level.
Ammo pools are not believable but they are staying for sure.
Can you even climb in BF 4?
Is there actually an animation that shows you picking a gun or the gun appears magically in your hands as usual? In the E3 video it was the latter.
Why can you only stab somebody form behind in BF, how is that believable?
Does the wind affect bullets as well as the ocean/sea or trees?
Is there dismemberment in BF 4?

battlefield seems chasing "virtual reality" and not "real reality". The way they tint the screen, the dirty eyes, the doritos above players head.

the game deliberately being made so the player know that what they are playing aren't real.
Ok but "virtual reality" can be believable.
There are so many things that could be done to make BF even more believable imo.
Realism is not always necessary or helpful but plausibility always helps.
horray, got banned from BF3 coop (actually its a bug since last year, but EA still not fixing it). Contacting EA help and i remember something important.

EA seems forgetting something with this whole BF4 annoucement.
they forgot to announce their new and improved Customer Service for BF4!

i mean, their CS for BF3 are useless. Since BFBC2, Forum discussion providing more answer than EA help.
i even made the easy-to-use BFBC2 Updater (using NSIS) before DICE released their official offline updater that packed in a self-extracting RAR archive. Made it that NSIS myself because EA Help did not help me at all.

BF4 will attract more gamer, more problem.
and i no longer have lots of free time to fix things myself :(

btw some gameplay leaked on youtube

it seems the gunner now can shot a bit higher?
and love that white objects. Its feel like im back in university again! making buildings and landscape with super-white paper :D

- there's a "view area cone" on the radar. Whats that for?

- too bad the big-ass ribbon still popping up after killing people. It always annoys me to no end on BF3. Especially when im flying in low altitude. How can i see whats in front of me?
boom, i hit a tree.

- the lock-on sound are changed to have lower pitch. Doesnt that a BAD NEWS for people that game on a laptop?
playing BF3 on laptop, its already hard to hear the initial low-pitch beep beep when being targeted. When the pitch changed to high pitch beep, the missile already fired and locked to heli.

- the bug on BF3 where lock on prefer to lock to closer object in term of DISTANCE rather than object closer to center crosshair still present on BF4. So its not a bug, its a game design choice.
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The point would be to ensure that the weapons are not too similar, but some with more damage and then more recoil and some with less damage and correspondingly less recoil. If all weapons are the same, what would be the point of all the weapons?

Almisser all weapons in bf3 are identical unless you play hardcore mode
Almisser all weapons in bf3 are identical unless you play hardcore mode

It is true that when having 50+ guns in the game, there will not be so much difference gun to gun. But I don't see a way around that apart from having less guns in the game, since it should still sort of represent real gun behaviour.

Claiming that a sniper rifle is identical to a pistol is a bit extreme though.
maybe repii reported it to youtobe as violation :p
sorry i did not download that video, cant re upload :(

Claiming that a sniper rifle is identical to a pistol is a bit extreme though.
but sniper rifle A vs B maybe the same.
technically it have different stats, but after using it, it feels same-ey.

at least that what i felt on BF3. Sniper A vs B are the same but sniper A only need half the bullet of Sniper B to kill. So sniper B become useless.
According to Interference, before DICE nerf sniper B, its actually sniper B that kills faster.

btw why people leaks game that they are invited and tied by NDA? o_O
doesnt that automatically make them get banned from future internal/alpha test?

haha funny video. Chuckled when they say new lighting bla blabla. Yeah its NEW on CoD, but old on other games. Then the video starts showing BF4 effects again. awesome.
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Alan Kertz (Lead Designer) has gone on record saying that the PS4 controller is his preference for Gen4, Better shape, size, features, textures, triggers, sticks. Everything.

That bodes well for the PS4 version!
and not PC controller.
mouse with selectable sensitivity on-the-fly and multiple bind-able buttons still awemome :p
Alan Kertz (Lead Designer) has gone on record saying that the PS4 controller is his preference for Gen4, Better shape, size, features, textures, triggers, sticks. Everything.

That bodes well for the PS4 version!

He only said it was better than the 360 controller, not XB1's.

and not PC controller.
mouse with selectable sensitivity on-the-fly and multiple bind-able buttons still awemome :p

Haha..that didn't take too long.
I can see lots of potential for something like that.

Placing a mine for instance isn't generally a twitch thing, so you could have a deliberate motion where a player moves their controller towards their feet.

Slight drawback in that you have to move the controller. Slight benefit in that you don't have to switch to a mine to place it meaning you can have an alternate item that might be required at a seconds notice always at hand. As well both hands are still always on the controller, meaning you can instantly react to something if needed (unlike say a throwing motion with a grenade).

Voice commands are another obvious one for things that don't require twitch reflexes to use but might otherwise require switching away from an item that is required for twitch reactions.

Now that Kinect is standard on all machines, it allows developers to go ahead and include Kinect features that aren't core to the gameplay without feeling that most of their target audience won't have access to them. Or more importantly, potentially give an unfair advantage to someone with Kinect versus someone without Kinect.

Seems Dice is saying "Moar is better".:p

GameInformer asked DICE's Karl Magnus: "People have made a lot about the difference between the PlayStation 4 having 8GB of GDDR5 RAM versus the 5GB of DDR3 RAM allotted toward the gaming partition on the Xbox One. Do you see that as an advantage for the PlayStation 4, or is that overblown?"

To this Karl replied (In GameInformer Issue 244): "More memory or more CPU or GPU power - whatever kind of power we get out of a machine - more is always better, especially for the kind of games that we build."
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Seems like DICE just stating the obvious (i.e. "Moar is better!!"). Regardless of resolution or frame rate, BF games have always had kickass audio, so I just hope DICE maxes out the XBone's audio hardware.