Call of Duty: Ghost (Consoles)

I think that for COD the most important thing is FPS. I hope that this time, console versions offer steady 60Hz, something I can't even achieve on my rig (fluctuates from as low as 50 up to 150 in conclusion: boo to my PC).

Everything else is secondary for this game imo. I never associate COD with graphics anyways...unfortunately nowadays, because at X360 launch, COD blew my mind and MW2 did nearly kill me because of the good looks :)

Now that KZ SF seems to be 60 Hz 'most of the time' in MP, I wonder how those two games will compare, also to Titanfall, which is another 60Hz title. It seems that COD often got a bonus for aiming at 60Hz in with other devs realizing how important this is for FPS gen comparisons will be interesting.
This COD "720 vs 1080" affair will be very interesting...

The difference between the 2 machines is not so huge, expecially for a game like COD that seems so current-gen.

Much probably everything is due to the "not mature" drivers & dev kits, to the recent hardware upclock, and the fact that PS4 is a more straight platform to develop for (no esram, no move engine etc...). Who knows, probably they have not got time to adapt & optimize their COD engine for the X1.

Never the less, it will be very hard for MS if COD will ship at 720 against Sony 1080.
MS should bet all on Ryse and F5 if they want to conquer the super graphic addicted core base.
This COD "720 vs 1080" affair will be very interesting...

The difference between the 2 machines is not so huge, expecially for a game like COD that seems so current-gen.

Much probably everything is due to the "not mature" drivers & dev kits, to the recent hardware upclock, and the fact that PS4 is a more straight platform to develop for (no esram, no move engine etc...). Who knows, probably they have not got time to adapt & optimize their COD engine for the X1.

Never the less, it will be very hard for MS if COD will ship at 720 against Sony 1080.
MS should bet all on Ryse and F5 if they want to conquer the super graphic addicted core base.

But neither of those two games are going to carry it at launch. One looks like an upscaled version of its predecessor and the other is going to play like Viking: Battle for Asgard. MS are more likely betting the farm on 360 owners being that invested that they will automatically swap over to xbone.

And if it turns out that the majority of third party games are either dialled back on the effects or totally reliant on the scaler in order to reach any sort of parity then MS are going to need smart non-gaming uses for their gaming console.
The rumor starter just confirmed he has only one source and isn't even sure about it but felt the need to hint at it. He has no idea about the other people posting and can't confirm that any of them know what they are talking about or if they are just repeating what he said. He also said he hasn't seen any footage himself and has only heard personally that the PS4 version runs at 1080p but hasn't heard anything on Xbox One.

This sounds like a load of bull that was basically started because someone saw the PS4 version looking like crap at 1080p and decided to assume the XOne version must run at 720p because of this.

Do people even understand the power difference between running a game at 720p to 1080p?
I know IGN said the PS4 version is 1080p, but could it also be upscaled 1080p?

Of course imo. In case if X1 versiob is indeed 720p, which I personally doubt, PS4 is never going to be 1080p. Difference is not that big.

Furthermore, I really don't think that devs will have problems with the X1 seems like an improved version of the X360 memory all devs should be quite familiar with it and should have efficient data structures.

PS: if some devs should have problems with memory setup, my vote would go to Sony exclusive devs...they have now a vastly different memory setup in PS4 to work with in comparison to the PS3 setup, which could change the data layout in existing PS3 code base which gets transferred to PS4 code base.
What difficulty???

Furthermore, I really don't think that devs will have problems with the X1 seems like an improved version of the X360 memory all devs should be quite familiar with it and should have efficient data structures.

“Xbox One is weaker and it’s a pain to use its ESRAM,” concluded one developer.

I'm sorry but I take anything from EDGE as a grain of salt.

This is also the article that claims a 50% power difference and that 1080p games at 30 fps on PS4 run at 900p at 20~ fps on XOne.

Also this is a anonymous dev that we don't even know has a xbox one devkit let.

This is also the publication that put a giant PS4 on their cover and said "this is the next console your buying" it was like a giant Sony ad.
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Thank you, no further questions.

There's many more like this, but I didn't want to bombard this thread into OT :LOL:

This is also the publication that put a giant PS4 on their cover and said "this is the next console your buying" it was like a giant Sony ad.


The power of the crowd: how critical and consumer feedback made Xbox One a contender again
While the difference in console power may not be as big but the difficulty of working with ESram could be a factor. Makes me wonder if Xbone would re-enter the sub 720p land in BF4.

Hey, maybe you can find a bookie who will let you place a bet on it, because I think that would pay out insanely well if you're right.
I'm trying to put my finger on what specifically makes this look not-quite-as-next-genny as I was expecting. They seem to be using gamma-correct lighting (which, contrary to my earlier assertion, both BlOps games did and MW3 may have on 360, but not PS3). There doesn't seem to be a shortage of textures or polygons. It just looks a slight bit cartoony, somehow.
The rumor starter just confirmed he has only one source and isn't even sure about it but felt the need to hint at it. He has no idea about the other people posting and can't confirm that any of them know what they are talking about or if they are just repeating what he said. He also said he hasn't seen any footage himself and has only heard personally that the PS4 version runs at 1080p but hasn't heard anything on Xbox One.

This sounds like a load of bull that was basically started because someone saw the PS4 version looking like crap at 1080p and decided to assume the XOne version must run at 720p because of this.

Do people even understand the power difference between running a game at 720p to 1080p?

As revealed by Eurogamer in June, the game runs at 60 frames per second in 1080p. "We actually have a 4K TV at work and got the game running on that," Rubin told the site at the time. "It looks phenomenal. The 4K TVs have a max hertz of 30, so we're maxing it out. It looks amazing!"

Click to view larger image Speaking to us at Gamescom in August, Rubin reiterated that "it'll definitely look better". "Graphically I still love when we're playing in the office, when we play on Xbox One - you go up to a brick wall and you can see all the geometry of the bricks," he mused. "Even the little tiny cracks - you can see the geometry. It catches my eye, sometimes, even when we're in the middle of a firefight. It's like 'ooh, pretty'.

"For the Xbox One you're obviously looking at fantastic-looking graphics, super-smooth play," he continued. "We're pushing the limits on current gen, always - we're maxed out on everything from memory to processing power. I think we do a great job of doing that while still coming out with 60 frames a second. But with Xbox One I feel like we've got a lot to work with, and I'm really excited about where we push that in the future.
It might be that it can't run on X1 at 1080p now but future iterations will have more time / understanding of h/w and can run at 1080p.