Technical Comparison Sony PS4 and Microsoft Xbox

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The gpu in the Xbox had capabilities well beyond the "Reality Engine" in ps2. Not an accurate comparison. The featureset of both system gpus is the same. PS4 can do more but not better.

It's just an example of how a less powerful machine can do things a more powerful machine can't.

There are no close real world examples of the next gen hardware scenario to point to.
Yes, of course the ultra low latency ESRAM might let it do things that the PS4 can't, but it'll be like how the PS2 could outperform the Xbox 1 in things like transparencies, particles (or even geometry) but games generally looked better on Xbox.


Something sure seems to be supercharging XB1 by the looks of the games of E3.

I'm saying performance wise the bet paid off (ie since GDDR5 ended up being cheap enough for Sony to include 8GB of it and still undercut MS on price). But yes, I have no idea who's BOM will end up being more expensive over the generation given MS is bundling Kinect and the 5bn transistor APU could have poor yields.

Hard to say on all that stuff.

Yields are something that always straighten out, but RAM is something that tends not to price reduce well. (I forever remember some MS guy saying RAM and the HDD were the two things that ended up the most expensive in the original Xbox, meaning everything else cost reduced down better).

But yeah impossible to say really. So far it looks good for Sony.
Yeah, you can't tell anyting by XB1 also having great looking games - of course they'd look great, devs have 6-8x the 360's power to play with.

It's like if at E3 2005 someone showed GTA4 running on PS3, would anyone say it looked mediocre?
Of course not, it's only when DF do a Face Off that people would notice it's not as pretty as the 360 game.
i dont know, is this surprising? it just seems natural Xbox>PS. Somehow, dont we all expect it to turn out that way again? :p

Going to an amazing year!! :runaway:

I heard the xbone development kits are beast since they had to emulate fixed function hardware, move engine and esram.

:devilish: can't wait until the first df face off.... going to be epic! :LOL:
Do we know for a fact what XBox One demoed games were running on actual devkits? For me Ryse looked okay, but wasn't lightyears away from GOW3 or 4. Quantum Break looked good for an "In-Game" cutscene and as far as I'm aware Remedy haven't yet shown any actual gameplay. B4 was probably run on a PC and TitanFall, although looked great fun, wasn't actually graphically amazing and NextGen for me.

I'm just wary that we haven't actually seen proper live gamplay from what the XBox One can actually do.
Do we know for a fact what XBox One demoed games were running on actual devkits? For me Ryse looked okay, but wasn't lightyears away from GOW3 or 4. Quantum Break looked good for an "In-Game" cutscene and as far as I'm aware Remedy haven't yet shown any actual gameplay. B4 was probably run on a PC and TitanFall, although looked great fun, wasn't actually graphically amazing and NextGen for me.

I'm just wary that we haven't actually seen proper live gamplay from what the XBox One can actually do.

Apparently both MGSV + BF4 where straight up PC.

Also some guy was playing one of the games on the stage flaw and it froze and crashed to a Windows 7 laptop screen.
Do we know for a fact what XBox One demoed games were running on actual devkits? For me Ryse looked okay, but wasn't lightyears away from GOW3 or 4. Quantum Break looked good for an "In-Game" cutscene and as far as I'm aware Remedy haven't yet shown any actual gameplay. B4 was probably run on a PC and TitanFall, although looked great fun, wasn't actually graphically amazing and NextGen for me.

I'm just wary that we haven't actually seen proper live gamplay from what the XBox One can actually do.

These are the only photos i have found. The first is KI the second is Ryse the third is madden using second screen/smartglass on a Surface tablet. SO i would say yeah for the most part they are using XB1 hardware.



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