Doom 4 languishing in development hell; id internal management a shambles

A full walkthrough of the new Wolfenstien demo. These guys seem to be preserving the old school feel well. Hope ID takes notes.

@IST: wasn't wolf 2009 unreal engine 3 based? I played a demo on the ps3 n it sure looked like unreal 3.

The multiplayer mighta been. It's known that it uses a different rendering engine and uses D3D instead of OGL...
No id tech 4
ravens later game singularity was unreal engine

Wolfenstein 2009

Wow ! Thats news to me. I didn't know we had Tech 4 working on the ps3. I thought it was the main reason Id ported Doom3 to tech 5 for the BFG edition.

@IST: i lpayed the SP demo on the ps3, so I guess it must have been tech 4. But yes, the MP was done by someone else and was a different engine. Might have been UE3, maybe thats where I got the UE3 thing associated with the game in my head.
Wow ! Thats news to me. I didn't know we had Tech 4 working on the ps3. I thought it was the main reason Id ported Doom3 to tech 5 for the BFG edition.

They did that because id tech 5 was vastly better in certain areas that were easily replaceable. So when they had a function that did basically the same thing but way more efficient in tech 5 they figured they may as well use it.
The new Wolf looks like I need it. I also noticed that it looks a lot better visually than Rage.

I've played Singularity a good bit. It reminds me too much of Bioshock. You can just feel the design the meetings they must have had at Raven, cloning Bioshock elements. It is also so intensely linear that it feels claustrophobic (typical Raven, but also like Bioshock).
that page doesnt say cto
it says "My time division is now Oculus over Id over Armadillo. Busy busy busy!"
where did cto come from ?

ps: what sort of company is id if their employees can just decide to spend more of their time somewhere else
John Carmack has a new #1 priority: CTO of Occulus VR

I wonder how Zenimax feel about that, and it being so publicly stated?

Maybe he's done all his work and it's now the content creators putting everything into his engine, but even so, you think he'd be working on the next project...

Unless now that id have cashed out and sold to Zenimax, Carmack is working his time out as per the buyout contract before he can leave and do something else
It's probably a question of how much a reboot Doom 4 has gone through. Depending on this Carmack may have as much as a year or even two to focus on bringing VR glasses to the market, and once they're available he can get back to finalizing the Doom 4 engine.

Not to mention that id has a huge programming team now, and those are probably talented people as well... It's not like development would have to stop without Carmack.
Oculus has confirmed that Carmack's job is to work fulltime as CTO, so I don't think that leaves him much time to spend at id.
Carmack fulfilled his end by making a great engine, but gamers want more than these shooters have to offer. Given the dev budget they need to sell huge to recoup the losses, a decent game scoring 80% everywhere is not going to cut it. It would be a commercial flop like Rage.
Halflife2, Halo, Bioshock series, CoD4 (not Ghost), BF4, Team Fortress2, Portal(ignore this if u don't consider it a fps), and Farcry series raised the bar on what fps players want.

A generic shooter won't cut it especially with the need to recoup the ballooning dev budget. Crysis 2-3 with their mediocre sales were not flops because they had a smaller development budget.

ID has backed itself into a corner of needing to make an amazing game to recoup their 6 year development expenses.
Games do not need to be amazing at all to be commercial successes. Those things are only partially related IMO. You have timing and marketing issues as well.
True, but let's honest here. id's game play ideas feel very simplistic and outdated. Not sure how much of that was due to Carmack. I guess we'll see now that he's gone.