Universal Truths

Killing HIV without harming the body? ...Unless you're allergic to bee venom of course, and end up in a life-threatening anaphylactic shock. ;)

Anyhow, if the solution to HIV/AIDS was that simple I think we would have heard about it sooner. Anyway, just to mince some words here while I'm at it, you can't "kill" a virus, since it's technically not alive in the first place (no metabolism.) Heh.
Killing HIV without harming the body? ...Unless you're allergic to bee venom of course, and end up in a life-threatening anaphylactic shock. ;)

Anyhow, if the solution to HIV/AIDS was that simple I think we would have heard about it sooner. Anyway, just to mince some words here while I'm at it, you can't "kill" a virus, since it's technically not alive in the first place (no metabolism.) Heh.
Well, that part of it probably isn't quite as much bullshit. It may be a new component for anti-retrovirals. It's always worth being skeptical about new medical discoveries.

The real bullshit was the claim that GMO's kill bees. That's just plain absurd.
What huh? Um, no. This is bullshit.
Wouldn't surprise me if true. Millions ain't that much. We u see a ute move some hives and u c bees fly off behind. They're effectively dead. Thousands dead from a move. To kill millions will require a single moderate stuffup. Also I assume gm crop makers want to elimate bees if possible. After all they're not earning cash from m them. Better a cro that self pollinates , which equals less need for bees.
BTW gm crops are not always the saviour they are made out to be. Just ask some farmers that have dept with monsato , whose yields went down after using gm.plus sin and gm crops typically earn less per ton than nongm less cash per kilo, equals a double whammy. Sent dry typing on a bumpy bus going to kuantan
what language is that ?
sorry typing in a bus, aint the best way.
now at this nice homestay, A/C & wifi. lovely. Kuatans changed a bit since the last time I was here ~13 years ago

we u see a ute
when u see a ute (nz/oz name for a pickup)

my point about the numbers is (I just looked up) a typically white beehive u see, contains 30,000 bees. so it only takes one disaster in 1 field to kill millions of bee's (attention grabbing headline) OTOH billions of bees, now then thats something to look into
Monsanto seems to be able to protect itself well


Slipped into the Agricultural Appropriations Bill, which passed through Congress last week, was a small provision that’s a big deal for Monsanto and its opponents. The provision protects genetically modified seeds from litigation in the face of health risks and has thus been dubbed the “Monsanto Protection Act” by activists who oppose the biotech giant.

Apparently that was a last minute addition to the bill and went largely unnoticed, only a democrat senator from Montana opposed it.
What huh? Um, no. This is bullshit.

How so? Last I checked there were two sizeable studies linking hive collapse to a pest-resistant gmo corn from Bayer. Have these studies been discredited?

Edit: my bad. It's a Bayer pesticide, not gmo.
...So right now, we're effectively at 0 evidence in this thread for GMO crops causing bee-death?
There is something which kills them. Either some type of chemicals or something more sophisticated like HAARP... :rolleyes:

You, guys in USA, when did you eat natural food for the last time? I don't mean strawberries with the size of a tomato, or plastic peppers with taste of crap.. :LOL:
There is something which kills them. Either some type of chemicals or something more sophisticated like HAARP... :rolleyes:

You, guys in USA, when did you eat natural food for the last time? I don't mean strawberries with the size of a tomato, or plastic peppers with taste of crap.. :LOL:

True points though more and more of us buy a good percentage of produce locally and organically grown. In fact some of the best up and coming restaurants do the same which means the menu changes with the season which is quite nice.

Worst thing about GMOs are the plants designed to be immune to certain herbicides (or soon pesticides) so that these herbicides can be used in massive amounts until the weeds become resistant.
Please, the 90s called and wanted their paranoid delusions about HAARP back. Unless you can show that bees are capable of receiving UHF and VHF radio signals there's not much chance HAARP is involved here. ;)
Please, the 90s called and wanted their paranoid delusions about HAARP back. Unless you can show that bees are capable of receiving UHF and VHF radio signals there's not much chance HAARP is involved here. ;)

Well, how else do you think they communicate? They don't have any vocal cords.

Duh, the evidence is right there, it's all right there, staring you in the face. You just have to open your mind!
There is something which kills them. Either some type of chemicals or something more sophisticated like HAARP... :rolleyes:

You, guys in USA, when did you eat natural food for the last time? I don't mean strawberries with the size of a tomato, or plastic peppers with taste of crap.. :LOL:
WTF? I eat "natural food" everyday. Just how clueless are you? The USA is half rural life. I live in a State that is the size of France or GB or Gemany, and it has less than four million people. My other house is in a state the same size~ with under three million people. 90% of food I buy is way less than 100miles away with most being under 20miles. This isnt unusual. We have huge supermarket chains that have massive amounts of "Organic" or "locally" grown food. So you would think that Bees are big. The best science now for Bees is its a perfect storm of issues, the worst being that they lose the ability to find home after huffing chemicals... kinda of a DUH! Right now its spring here, and most of the rock fruit has bloomed, (was a earl-ish bloom) but there wasnt any bees to pollinate... no Plums for me.. Every three or four years, the Bee guy puts 55 to 80 hives on my field. Have to grow flowering plants to feed them(usually clover), and with Big Ag always spraying the "weeds"(which flower) there isnt enough food for alot of bees. I live in small AG, where each farm takes care of the wild patches to insure some wild life has a place to eat. Oh Bees communicate by dancing.