Mass Effect 3, can't fix the ending ... but we can fix the FOV


In the case anyone is still playing this ... you can play without shep taking up half the screen. Works in multiplayer too.

Personally I just used the coalesced editing utility to change shared aim to :

( Name="Shared_Aim", Command="SwapWeaponIfEmpty | TightAim | FOV 0 | OnRelease FOV 90 | OnRelease StopTightAim" )

And added ( Name="NumPadZero", Command="FOV 0" ) for resetting FOV for cut scenes (numlock has to be on for this one to work).
I thought I'd wait until it's $20, like I did with ME2. Good call? It also lets the workarounds get all figured out. ;)
seems like changing the FOV would be a pretty big advantage in multiplayer!
Surprised they don't stop you doing that for online play tbh

Edit: hadn't realised me3 multiplayer is coop only so fov change isn't a big issue (didn't interest me). Looking at what you can do in the coalesced.bin file is a little funky for multiplayer though... Setting how many credits looks like the most risky.
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