What is the last thing that happens before user interaction?


I would like the fade in effect that I wrote to fade into the complete, already filled in window. instead of blank window to full opacity, then controls and such are drawn.

(currently, I am calling the fade-in in OnPaint(), and even though that's supposed to be bad[because calling a fade in on every paint would be bad], i have it dependant on a variable that isn't changed until you exit the program. that means, once its faded in once, it doesn't do it ever again.)

Here is the program in question. You can see, that it starts up blank, fades in from nothing, then abruptly shows the controls and stuff. The fade out is much gentler.

EDIT: Also, will someone with Windows 9x run it for me? I don't have any boxen with anything other than XP, so I can't test. Here's what should happen: the program should start normally, and say "Unavailable" over the slider.