Papers on SSAO


Any academic publications out there that go into detail about SSAO? I've been trying the ACM digital library (I have a subscription) with no luck - can someone point me to anything I might be missing?
Does it have to be academic publications?
Shader X7 have several articles on AO and SSAO.
In GPU Pro there are also a couple of solutions.

There have been presentations at Siggraph, some matches here, as well as GDC presentations, matches here.
The Siggraph results are probably your best bet, if you need academic papers. And they should be in the acm library.
Yup, I'm looking for peer-reviewed work. The links in the wikipedia page are not, the only one I could find that was SIGGRAPH is Finding Next Gen, and it glosses over the topic in a way that makes me amazed at it being published. GDC presentations are a great source of implementation help, but none of them that I've seen go through the theory behind the work and its limitations reliably enough to be cited.
Also, I'm specifically looking for papers on depth (and potentially normal) buffer based SSAO - there's other work on AO in general, but I'm not interested in that.