Pixellation on the PS3

Filtering (bilinear or otherwise) makes any texture look blurry if you get close enough. Most textures today are high-res enough that you rarely get close enough to see them blur. Pixellation is caused by point sampling, not by under-resolution. In this picture, both images use the same textures; one half uses bilinear filtering and the other does not.

The PS3 glitch I have seen twice now looks like the top right, not the bottom left. The other game I've seen it in is Dead Space (it's on the floor at the end of the Leviathan boss chamber). That prompted me to post the thread, because I have now seen it in 2 out of 3 games that I own. If I see anything in Fear 2, I'll post in the thread.

The reason I'm wondering about it is that I haven't seen pixelation in games since the 90s. Hence, I thought maybe someone with some programming experience could explain why this is an easy mistake to make.

I stand corrected.

Sorry for thinking you were just trolling. I own a couple dozen games for each platform and hadn't seen any pixelation problems (outside of really crappy shadows). I would also hope that both consoles can do better than bilinear.
Most textures today are high-res enough that you rarely get close enough to see them blur.

Right, thanks for adding this as I should've elaborated further instead of somewhat losing it. These days, you wouldn't/shouldn't see the proverbial blur from that distance unless the textures were really low res. There are plenty of examples in every game I've played as hidden as they are. Even in Uncharted 1 where most textures were razor sharp no matter how close you got.

Incidentally, if that pic was post patch, 2K added a blur filter and combined with the sub-HD res of the PS3 port, it looked blurrier than the 360 one.

On that note, I haven't seen anything like that in FEAR 2 or any of the games I own. Though the PS3 port has problems with the frame rate. Though I've only played that game once on the PS3, so keep up us updated.
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I've seen something like the Big Daddy issue on some rocks in Fallout 3. I was wondering what it was because I've only seen it twice after 100hours+ of play. Could be a bug because otherwise Fallout 3 has some of the best filtering of any current gen game.
I've seen something like the Big Daddy issue on some rocks in Fallout 3. I was wondering what it was because I've only seen it twice after 100hours+ of play. Could be a bug because otherwise Fallout 3 has some of the best filtering of any current gen game.

I've seen something like that on the 360 version (pre-patch mind you). The PC version had the occasional issue on a good rig with anisotropic filtering on.
Great, ego issues. So you basically said that despite a software bug that potentially nullifies filtering, there shouldn't be any pixelization and added that filtering makes textures blurry. Neither of which is true, so upon pointing that out, you're getting defensive instead of elaborating your point if I'm misunderstanding you?

A texture will only look blurry if it's low res if it's filtered (such as the example on that page) and even then, it'll depend on other factors such as the quality of the filtering (bilinear vs anisotropic for example) and so forth. If filtering made textures blurry regardless of resolution, then we'd have problems.

Leave ego issues out of here. If anyone misinterprets what you said because your post wasn't thorough or clear, elaborate instead of getting defensive as if you're being called an idiot.

Maybe you should understand what you are saying before you attack people?

Bilinear (and others made on top of the same idea) texture filtering does make textures blurry.

What bilinear filtering does to make a texture have more pixels to fit screen space pixels is that it take the colour value of the other texture pixels around it then make new pixels based off a blend of the said pixel colour and the colour of the pixels around it.

And in doing so blurs the texture.

What the OP linked to seems to have point sampling instead, which just copys the texture's pixels colour value onto as many screen space pixels as it thinks it can get away with (based off how it is programmed) before changing to the next pixel's colour.
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Maybe you should understand what you are saying before you attack people?

Alright. "Maybe you should stop making presumptions?" in your own tone and just elaborate like you did just now (genuine thanks for that). Maybe I was a bit harsh in my 2nd reply but you somehow missed the fact that I seemingly misunderstood what you said and flew off the handle. No harm done in the end.
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Alright. "Maybe you should stop making presumptions?" in your own tone and just elaborate like you did just now (genuine thanks for that). Maybe I was a bit harsh in my 2nd reply but you somehow missed the fact that I seemingly misunderstood what you said and flew off the handle. No harm done in the end.

Sometime affter my post I had an idea that maybe you misunderstood.
In this case, it might be a bug in the streaming code, as it looks like a lower res mip map being used.
But surely the use of point sampling comes down entirely to the hardware/pixel shader? No matter what data is coming in when and how, it should be rendered as texels as an average of multple samples.