Lightwave and procedural textures


I have a little problem with an app I'm developing.
I've a friend who has made me a model using lightwave and I want to render it using opengl.

Now I'm writing a loader (If anyone knows a good lightwave open source loader I'd appreciate it) and when I render the mesh there are a lot of textures missing. Searching a little it seems that my friend used a lot of procedural textures and I don't know how can I produce them.

Am I wrong at thinking that on the lightwave file there should be some kind of function that evaluates the texture?
And if I'm wrong, supposing that my friend can't change the mesh neither its textures, how can I render it?
I suppose one option would be to use lightwave to render each triangle with its texture and use that image as a texture when I render in openGL but that's not very efficient and a lot of work.

Any help would be appreciated.
If Lightwave has a render to texture option you may convert all textures to bitmaps that way.

I see, you know that already, well it would cost some render time, yes.:oops:
There is probably an option to bake the procedurals to textures inside LW. All you're going to find in the binary file is some parameters for the procedurals, not the actual algo for evaluating them, that's all built into LW.