Xbox Live Strict NAT problem


ok everything is fine but my NAT is showing strict. i have a Siemens SpeedStream 6281 Wireless moderm and my xbox is connected using the wireless adapter, can anyone give me any information on how to change my NAT from Strict to Open??

mine first actual guide to make your xbox nat OPEN.

word explanation:

modem: the first device in your network.

router: the second device in your network. -> if its a switch then just do "modem-pc & xbox".

Fixed or static IP: normaly the IP-adress is "dynamically" -> it can change. but when you fix it then it will always stay the same.

if you have this network "modem-router-pc & xbox" then do this guide till step 15 and then goto the part "Fixed or static IP at your router"

if you have this network "modem-pc & xbox" then just do till step 24"

Find your ip-adress, subnetmask, DNS,...

1) Start up your computer.

2) Go to the start button and then click run.

3) In the small window type cmd and hit enter.

4) Now a black window will pop up type in here: ipconfig/all

5) Now alot of numbers and stuff poping up.

6) There is somewhere: ip adress, subnet mask, dns-server

You need those later. DON'T CLOSE THIS WINDOW YOU NEED IT!!

Fixed IP at your xbox

7) Start up your xbox.

8) When at the dashbord go to the right tab.

9) There is somewhere NETWORK CONNECTION. choose that.

10) Here you get test xbox connection,... and edit settings choose that.

11) Now there are 2 planes. click on the first one. and choose manual.

12) For those who have the computer on the same modem / router as the xbox its quite easy.

LOOK AT THE STEP "Find your ip-adress, subnetmask, DNS,..."!!!!!! if you don't get step 13 and 14

13) Put in the ip-address a bit different as that from your computer (only change the last 3 digits in something else below 255. example: my ip from my computer is and from my xbox is

14) Put the rest like it is on your computer.

15) Next click the next plane and put the DNS-servers there.

Portforwarding "modem-xbox & pc"


16) Now that your xbox is prepaired go to your modem.

17) Find your modems name

18) Find your modem in this list.

19) When you found your modem then click on him and in the next screen choose: Xbox Live 360.

20) If you don't know how to get in your modem go to this site and that you have to put in your adress bar to get in your modem.

21) Fill in your username and password. on the portforward site the normal username and password are given. if those don't work ask your parents if they changed the password of it.

22) If you start forwarding like its explained on the portforward site but don't know which ip u have to fill in. then fill your xbox's fixed ip in it. (step 13)

23) Test your xbox connection and now i should normal be open.

24) Get yourself now a cookie and have fun on xbox live with an open nat.

Fixed or static IP at your router

25) First you need to fix your ip at the router.

how to log in your router

26) Find your routers name.

27) Find your router in this list.

28) When you found your router then click on him and in the next screen choose: Xbox Live 360 (leave this screen open you need it in the port forward part).

29) Fill in your username and password. on the portforward site the normal username and password are given. if those don't work ask your parents if they changed the password of it.

30) Because this is HARD to explain because every router has an other software. so i explain how its done in mine router hoping that it is the same at yours!!

31) At my router i have to click basic setting.

32) Then there is a part called internet IP adress. with below it Get Dynamically From ISP. and Use Static IP Address. which i have to change to static IP Address.

33) If i did that the IP Address, IP Subnet Mask, Gateway Ip Address is coming free to type in.

34) At the IP Address i fill in mine MODEMS IP only changing the last 3 digits. (at me modem has as ip so i used can use till

35) Dont know how to find your modems ip adress simple solution -> plug a pc in the modem and then do (step 1 -> step 6) now u get the ip from the modem.

36) Now i have to fill in also your DNA-servers and im done with fixing mine ip at mine router.

Portforwarding "modem-router-xbox & pc"

37) Find your modems name.

38) Find your modem in this list.

39) When you found your modem then click on him and in the next screen choose: Xbox Live 360.

40) If you don't know how to get in your modem go to this site and that you have to put in your adress bar to get in your modem.

41) Fill in your username and password. on the portforward site the normal username and password are given. if those don't work ask your parents if they changed the password of it.

42) If you start forwarding like its explained on the portforward site but don't know which ip u have to fill in. then fill your routers fixed ip in it.

43) Find your routers name.

44) Find your router in this list.

45) When you found your router then click on him and in the next screen choose: Xbox Live 360.

46) Fill in your username and password. on the portforward site the normal username and password are given. if those don't work ask your parents if they changed the password of it.

47) If you start forwarding like its explained on the portforward site but don't know which ip u have to fill in. then fill your xbox's fixed ip in it. (step 13)

48) Test your xbox connection and now i should normal be open.

49) Get yourself now a cookie and have fun on xbox live with an open nat.

20) If you don't know how to get in your modem go to this site and that you have to put in your adress bar to get in your modem.

i click this which gives me my ip, i input it on my address bar but i dont know the username and password, neither do my parents, where can i get it from, im with bigpond.