Stephen King on video game ratings

That website tells me to "upgrade" my Opera 9.2x browser to IE6. :cry: I should really stop using outdated software, evidently.

Anyway I think King is right when he says that "Elephant One is the ever-deepening divide between the haves and have-nots in this country". This also applies to Europe in many way. A quickly shrinking middle class, the very rich getting obscenely rich, financial market shenanigans that are half a dozen steps removed from what banks are supposed to do (providing money to producers and consumers) and that only benefit the few while harming society, and an ever larger growing part of the population with zero economic perspective. This growing divide is IMO the main contributing factor to the quick unraveling of the social fabric. Our societies become progessively more brutal in socio-economic terms, so we shouldn't be suprised if this has a brutalizing effect on young people.
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That website tells me to "upgrade" my Opera 9.2x browser to IE6. :cry: I should really stop using outdated software, evidently.
Right click -> Edit site preferences -> Network -> Browser Identification -> Identify as IE.