Recent content by nintenho

  1. N

    Remote game services (OnLive, Gaikai, etc.)

    They would not make their console a pure streaming box. They'll probably have every game available as a digital download at least if you don't want to mess with disks, but the basic functionality of being able to pop in a disk and play the game without being connected to the internet is...
  2. N

    Assassin's Creed: Revelations

    Not a spoiler since they said so before the game came out but they already mentioned how Revelations wasn't the last game in the series. It's purpose is to bring closure to the timeline between Ezio and Altair, which it does very well. I'm guessing the next and possibly last game in the...
  3. N

    [Multiplat] Battlefield 3

    It can repair, arm, disarm, and damage. I don't think I've ever used one long enough to gain any points with it though.
  4. N

    Assassin's Creed: Revelations

    The game was amazing. I really loved the last sequence where you're playing as Altair (extinguishing the torches...). The last games were in beautiful locations and all but I felt this one was more focused storywise as they had to tie a lot of loose ends between how Desmond, Altair, and Ezio...
  5. N

    [Multiplat] Battlefield 3

    So when do the rest of us plebes get Back to Karkand? It was a one week delay right? I play regularly, gamertag "thenintenho". Usually I'm on around early evening PST.
  6. N

    Pure Chess / Hustle Kings: what's the secret behind the Graphics?

    You can see reflections of the chess pieces in the third shot.
  7. N

    [Multiplat] Battlefield 3

    I finally got around to playing the PC version on maxed settings and it looks really great but I'm impressed by how well the consoles can keep up on lighting and particles. This is one of the few times where a game was designed to make full use of PC hardware and the console versions still...
  8. N

    [Multiplat] Battlefield 3

    It might mean accuracy or it might mean how slowly the bullet damage falls as a function of distance. I'm guessing the latter.
  9. N

    [Multiplat] Battlefield 3

    Yeah CQC maps are where you either work with your team or you suffer. I played conquest on Operation Metro and we were losing 140-200, then I guess because a few of us including me switched to Medic and ehad revive tag-teams going, but we ended up winning 120-0. I only had a 18-15 kill death...
  10. N

    Hitman :Absolution : I Never Left !!

    I believe this was the demo from E3. Yeah it was pretty obvious that they were showing the most nooby/violent/unstealthy method to traversing the level probably just to show off some the new gameplay elements. As long as I can get through the levels using nothing but stealth and donuts...
  11. N

    [Multiplat] Battlefield 3

    I just got the SOFLAM and I'm thinking it may suck less than T-UGS but I'm not sure since laser designating vehicles doesn't seem very useful when you consider how few engineers use javelins. The MAV at least gives you a nice overhead view of the action but I still have 10,000 points left until...
  12. N

    [Multiplat] Battlefield 3

    Rocket pods are amazing for the jets. In one diving run, you can easily destroy a tank and they're also really good for strafing infantry/helicopters. I played a round of Rush on Caspian Border and the attackers never got their tanks to our side because I'd fire salvos to slice and dice (pun...
  13. N

    [Multiplat] Battlefield 3

    Well lens flare is obviously something your eyes won't do but the bloomy HDR effect is reflective of your actual eyes adjusting to the sunlight I would think. On a lot of maps it's not really an issue since you're mostly inside or mostly outside. I guess the lens flare would only be a problem...
  14. N

    [Multiplat] Battlefield 3

    The most impressive thing about the Call of Duty games was the lighting and 60 fps, obviously BF3 doesn't have to worry about the 60 fps.
  15. N

    [Multiplat] Battlefield 3

    Would it be so bad if they made the jets invincible for the first 5 seconds the pilot is in them? It's really stupid that a single enemy jet/tank can take out all your vehicles before you can get in them. I think it works well exactly for the reason you mentioned. You should (for tactical...