Median Wage per country


You would think this info would be easy to come by but I cant seem to find anything definite, anyone know of anything?

*MEDIAN not MEAN (mean is practically worthless)
*In actual amount (not PPP adjusted)
*per person, not per household (WTF is a household for use, theres a huge variance in a household)
OK thanks though thats self reported and only from 2000 ppl so hard to take seriously and also over a 6 year period, esp with a figure of $8,000 for Ireland. I just looked up the median wage there now using the official figures of nearly 2million ppl = $30,800 which is substantially different from $8,000 even though its (at worse) 10 years later, at nearly 4x difference invalidates the survey data.
I'm sure most western countries have this data, so is it collated anywhere?
Not sure if this will help as you can only enquire specific positions for free, but this company collects a lot of wage data for their analysis and for the right price sells it out.

I might ask (I know the owner) for average figure from their database, but it probably will be skewed upwards by higher end jobs they tend to 'benchmark'.
UK median is ~$34200

Weird that this info aint out there in one place, cause for a lot of countries the data is available. Its usefull for like I was reading an article on yesterday, saying how much better it is under russia since putin came in (perhaps its true) perhaps ppl are far richer like they said, but unless I can compare the median wages against other like countries (eg parts of former soviet union) then I dont know, I can see GDP from 2000->2017 but thats practically worthless esp in a place like russia where its inflated by the oligarchs
But median wage alone doesn't tell you anything either unless you take cost of living etc in account?

E.g. My wage in Japan after taxes isn't bad at all if I compare it to a similar job in the Netherlands but once you take into consideration a apartment less than 100m2 in a not-that-great location would eat up 75% of my disposable income, a parking spot costs half of what it would cost to rent a decent house in the Netherlands, you pay 10 grand a year easily to send your kid to a half decent university vs 2 grand in the Netherlands etc then median wage alone doesn't tell you a whole lot.

Percentage of income left after after all necessary expenses would probably be best but no idea of those figures exist.
But median wage alone doesn't tell you anything either unless you take cost of living etc in account?
Yes PPP is also great but you can apply that afterward to the figures if you like.
Best to have the raw median wage and then one can apply PPP to it or not if one wants. There is so much variance between ppls expenses, eg person A eats out all the time vs person B who buy groceries etc (actual current example of me and a work colleague, result is I save $300-400 more per week, though I only earn ~$50 more a week)
OK thanks though thats self reported and only from 2000 ppl so hard to take seriously and also over a 6 year period, esp with a figure of $8,000 for Ireland. I just looked up the median wage there now using the official figures of nearly 2million ppl = $30,800 which is substantially different from $8,000 even though its (at worse) 10 years later, at nearly 4x difference invalidates the survey data.
I'm sure most western countries have this data, so is it collated anywhere?

Note that "per capita" numbers in this kind of surveys are normally derived from dividing "per household" numbers by the average number of people per household of the country, so they includes children and elders who do not have a job. That's probably why Gallop's numbers are much smaller.