[360, PS3] Crysis 2

The truth of whether the trailer is comprised of 100% 360 footage.

Forget about the trailer as all the youtube footages are confirmed to be running on the 360 and it looks incredible.

All these comparisons and nitpickings are useless, it is a console game and it is among the best I have seen simple and short.

I thought we wanted this game to look good?
I think they overdid the lens flares. >_<
Otherwise it looks great !

KZ3 and Crysis 2 make me miss KZ2's soft, atmospheric look.

The flying colors(is what i call it:???:) is what the people want.
That is what made that star gate level in kz 3 beta look so awesome all that green flying over your screen.
The KZ3 lens flare effect is more subtle even for the stargate map. Giving people what they want is good, but it doesn't mean they should overdo it (The night contrast makes the effect looks harsh). :) … but that's my opinion. May be others like it strong. OTOH, I heard people complained about overdone bloom before.
It's like YT videos with compression making everything look more coherent but in cost of sharpness but still greatly hides flaws and output ends up looking quite a bit better than it would otherwise. I call it the 'PS2 filter'. :p

There is no one single way to make things look good. While it may not please everyone, KZ2's soft look consists of several subtle effects to make a very coherent picture. It is not just one "PS2 filter". If GG completed the look with only one filter, then they should write a paper about it !
There is no one single way to make things look good. While it may not please everyone, KZ2's soft look consists of several subtle effects to make a very coherent picture. It is not just one "PS2 filter". If GG completed the look with only one filter, then they should write a paper about it !

So KZ3 is downgraded missing several subtle effects and here I thought it was just Qunicunx blur. I am sure Nvidia already has written the papers for Qunicunx though.

The flying colors(is what i call it:???:) is what the people want.
That is what made that star gate level in kz 3 beta look so awesome all that green flying over your screen.

Yeah it was such a big thing when it was in KZ2 (Crysis 2 one looks more correct/advanced) though I do agree that atleast for the night map it sure is a bit to much but atleast you can excuse it with the player wearing a nansouit with a helmet that has a visir. :drums:
Frame rate and textures streaming are a big improvement.
Can't say much about animations have been playing Oblivion and Fall out new vegas so must games animation looks good to me.

Still a bit laggy probably because not a lot of local gamers have the demo yet so was matched against us gamers.
I thought we wanted this game to look good?

Crysis 2 and Killzone 3 threads are linked together man... :D

People praising Killzone 3 are downplaying Crysis 2
People praising Crysis 2 are downplaying Killzone 3

This is the pattern here :devilish:

Any chance that demo can be played offline (just to see the graphics and performance)? If not, I will have to wait for this free Gold weekend :???:
So I played it for about half an hour...

The water and trees falling look weird. Like, it's as if they are running at a lower frame rate.
There's some ghosting effects?
Some weird diagonal lines when I'm close to a wall.
I really like the lighting and the motion blur.
There's some noticeable input lag. It's very noticeable with the jump and melee buttons.