Recent content by Nisaaru

  1. N

    Xbox Business Update Podcast | Xbox Everywhere Direction Discussion

    I wonder what will happen when they reach the point of limited returns with the current AI design framework. Training a model with a million, a billion or more datasets to get to increase the chance of a more correct result has its limits due hw and power costs:-)
  2. N

    Xbox Business Update Podcast | Xbox Everywhere Direction Discussion

    To me AAA is defined by the scope of content and the game mechanics. I have zero problems with sequels if the quality is right. I care less about something "fresh" but far more on if I actually enjoy how I as a player interface with the game's environment itself. If the later isn't polished the...
  3. N

    Xbox Business Update Podcast | Xbox Everywhere Direction Discussion

    I don't buy that. Personally I don't waste any time with indie games even when there are highly polished ones out there. From my personal gaming history I think the problem of AAA games is that people spend too much time in PvP/MMO games to keep them busy with a lot of meaningless activities...
  4. N

    Xbox Business Update Podcast | Xbox Everywhere Direction Discussion

    Are AAA blockbusters really not viable with GP? 34M people generates a lot of revenue. Marketing costs for these games are also less of an issue. There is a lot of crap on GP which I would never touch. Nobody needs that. But then there are games like Flightsimulator which might never sell the...
  5. N

    Xbox Business Update Podcast | Xbox Everywhere Direction Discussion

    Back then I didn't pre order the X1 before MS dropped the "mandatory Kinect" condition and Kinect is still laying in some cupboard *never* used for that specific reason. They pissed off a *lot* of people in that May 2013 release completely unnecessary. Price or the performance difference to PS4...
  6. N

    Xbox Business Update Podcast | Xbox Everywhere Direction Discussion

    IMHO for most people Kinect was a "fashion" gimmick they bought because it felt fresh and not because it provided a gaming experience with extended staying power.
  7. N

    Xbox Business Update Podcast | Xbox Everywhere Direction Discussion

    Huh? Only because MS sold 57 million X1s doesn't mean these people still have one and play on them to be still a Xbox user which would potentially upgrade.
  8. N

    Xbox Business Update Podcast | Xbox Everywhere Direction Discussion

    Back then different departments also wanted a chunk of xbox for their own agendas. From the Windows Media Center/Live TV people seeing a life line and plans about using Kinect for some smart advertising system. So "incorrect interpretation" might just have been "biased interpretation":-)
  9. N

    Xbox Business Update Podcast | Xbox Everywhere Direction Discussion

    I agree. A few weeks ago I've speculated MS multi platform moves might be related to *their* interpretation of the Apple Store trial which forces Apple to open up their platform. So what might happen here might also happen to Sony+Nintendo but they kept any arguments in-house. MS's messaging...
  10. N

    Xbox Business Update Podcast | Xbox Everywhere Direction Discussion

    In that case can't see them producing any custom APU designs at all because that costs a lot of money and requires millions of units to finance. That will either lead to standard AMD APUs or whatever CPU/GPU they think is adequate. That will obviously mean higher prices too.
  11. N

    Xbox Business Update Podcast | Xbox Everywhere Direction Discussion

    I doubt normal people playing mobile stuff care about these details. As I've said I'm not convinced the majority of people who bought the Switch to play mobile but because of "Nintendo"+"toys for kids"+hype. So they get gaming phones and extra pack batteries or the next generation will fix...
  12. N

    Xbox Business Update Podcast | Xbox Everywhere Direction Discussion

    So what you're saying people enjoy gaming while taking a dump?:-)
  13. N

    Xbox Business Update Podcast | Xbox Everywhere Direction Discussion

    Who and why do people buy such devices? How are they significant different to phones with some gamepad frame? It's not like the majority of people care for premium game quality if they play mobile. Why should people carry them around next to their phones? Nintendo's success with the Switch...
  14. N

    Xbox Business Update Podcast | Xbox Everywhere Direction Discussion

    Why do you waste time on listening to console warriors and 2nd or even 3rd rate "indie" developers which are most of time just console fanboys instead of looking at the reality? The reality is that XSX and PS5 games are more or less the same with minor differences connected to their individual...